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(pulled from barbara ann kipfer's "the wish list")
achieve more than is expected of me, faster, more efficiently, at less cost, for greater impact
answer a suicide hotline and talk someone out of it
ask for a miracle - and get it
be able to identify woodland plants
be able to nap for 10 minutes and wake up refreshed
be awarded a grant to go to art school
be happy with the way i look
be honest about who i am
be in bed by 10:00 p.m.
be known as a faithful letter-writer
be photogenic
be sustained by an inner strength
be the first person to fly in leonardo da vinci's wings
break a bad habit
break a mirror and not worry
bring up my children to be independent
calculate the possible consequences of an action before i act
challenge accepted assumptions before reaching a conclusion
change gender for a week - just to see what it's like
change my worst personality trait
change what isn't working
choose the manner of my death
combine all my interests into one goal
complete all the tasks on my daily to-do list
confront prejudice whenever i hear it
consider the alternative
continue my education - for the rest of my life
control my actions with my will
create a budget and stick to it
create a happy family life
cure my phobias
develop a sound body and cultivate a sound mind
develop all five senses
develop film in my own darkroom
do my best in whatever i'm doing
do no harm
do now what i keep saying i ought to do "someday"
donate everything i own to charity
double my money in a single year
earn the respect of my colleagues
eat less meat
eat more vegetables, less meat
eat till i'm satisfied - not a bite more
eat when hungry, sleep when tired
eliminate racial prejudice
emulate don quixote
eschew intertia
exercise for an hour before breakfast
experiment with new ideas in how i dress
feed my intellectual appetite
feel welcome wherever i go
find a reminder system that works
find the good in everyone
find the mystical in the mundane
finish everything i set out to do
finish projects ahead of time
finish what i start
focus on the positive
forgive myself for my mistakes
gain the one ability that has always eluded me
get a guarantee that i will have the one thing in life i want most
get a tattoo
get back in touch with the spiritual
get through the encyclopedia britannica from a to z
give each person i love the thing they want most
give more than i'm asked for
give up caffeine
go on a retreat
go on a spiritual retreat
grow old gracefully
have a knack for languages
have a place for everything an keep everything in its place
have adversaries, not enemies
have healthy children
have teeth like people on toothpaste commercials
help topple a corrupt and oppressive regime
invent a new language
keep my promises
keep my word
know where everything is
learn by osmosis in my sleep
learn latin to improve my knowledge of how english works
learn something new every day
learn the constellations - once and for allvisit the land of my ancestors
learn to meditate so i can center my mind and calm my spririt
learn to speed-read
like what i see in the mirror
live by the lunar calendar
live frugally
live in a society in which no child was ever abused or molested
live in the moment
live to be 100
live to see the end of poverty
live without television
look good without makeup
love myself
make certain i do not repeat my parents' mistakes
meditate as i walk
meet my deadlines
need only five hours of sleep
not be embarrassed to make a fool of myself
not have to work
organize a filing system that works
organize my personal papers
overcome difficulties in a relationship
own a fully equipped, state-of-the-art do-it-yourself workshop
own a really good camera
own every book ever written on my favorite subject
own less
own the latest generation of computer equipment
persevere - even when i'm exhausted
persuade world leaders to destroy all existing nuclear weapons and build no more
push my comfort level
put away enough money to retire whenever i want to
raise my pain threshold
read every book i own
receive an honorary degree
refuse to count calories or measure portions
remain productive even after i retire
remember everything i read
remember names
remember the latin names of my favorite flowers
remember to back up the hard disk once a week
return every phone call on the day i receive it
return everything i've borrowed
run a six-minute mile
see all my wishes come true
see what life is like as a cloistered nun
sleep alone in the forest
speak a foreign language without having to study it
spend a month of solitude in an isolated woodland cabin
spend the summer at a writers' colony
spend the whole summer camping out
stand up to my mother - lovingly but firmly
stick to an exercise regimen - for the rest of my life
stop weighing myself because - who cares?!
study hard, whatever the subject
study psychology
succeed in being content at work and at home
surpass my own expectations
take a yoga class on a regular basis
take one step forward and no steps back
take time off from my career to raise my children
take up yoga
throw away the scales
travel on $20 a day
try to accept a situation before i try to change it
unexpectedly inherit a fortune
use my time creatively
wake up without an alarm clock
walk across england
write a how-to book on my subject of expertise
write my life story
apr 22 2012 ∞
apr 22 2012 +