• 19.02: I and Bi went to the Castelo Ratimbum exposition. It was a very hot day, we took almost two hours to buy the tickets and we almost couldn't enter.
  • 26.02: It was a terrible day. I was reproved, again, in my drive license. And I did a test in Cultura Inglesa to try to jump a level, but I couldn't. So in a same day I was reproved twice. WEEP, great motivation! At night I went to Gabi's house
  • 27.02: I, Bi and Gabi watched a lot of Arrow episodes.
  • 28 - 01: I basically stayed at home watching Arrow or Lord of Rings. I finally finished the three movies, the total was 12 hours.
  • 02.02: The college begans, it was nice. I was very nervous, but all worked just fine.
feb 3 2015 ∞
jul 4 2016 +