All fics with (*) after the summary are listed as my personal favourites.


  • locus of control - NC-17 Complete Oneshot | "Did you tell them you're my psychiatrist?" Will asks. "No," Hannibal says. "I told them you're my submissive." (*)
  • Papa - NC-17 Complete Oneshot | There is a puddle of red beneath Will’s feet by the time he is home.
  • together we'd be deadly - M Complete Oneshot | "I can assure you that I am taking all necessary precautions to ensure Abigail's safety. And mine," Hannibal says, sliding his bloodstained hand into Will's palm like a promise.


  • Dreaming - NC-16 Complete Oneshot | Hannibal has a menstruation kink.
may 18 2013 ∞
may 24 2013 +