list icon
  • quiet night walks
    • on the beach
    • on people deprived streets
    • on a forgotten path
    • under a starry sky
    • with cigarettes, a little conversation, or none at all
  • good morning kisses
    • on the spine
    • on the nape of the neck
    • little bites on the ear
  • tucking your hair behind your ears for a better view of your face
  • long eye contacts
  • sudden brushes of arm against arm, hand against hand, skin against skin
  • holding hands under the table in a room full of people
  • book conversations over coffee
  • writing you a sincere poem
  • post it notes in your pockets
  • cuddling under sheets
  • bathing you gently when you're too depressed and lost
  • waiting for hours just to see you
  • remembering even the smallest details about you
    • your small habits and mannerisms
      • the way you bite your lips or your nails when your thinking
      • the way you bow your head and gaze at your shoes when you feel shy and awkward
      • the way you sigh when you're trying hard to control your temper
      • the way you touch your elbows after saying a certain word.
      • the way you stare at nothing, your eyes focused on a far off place when you're thinking deeply, trying to find answers, trying to find silence
      • the way your brows curve when your mad
      • the way your mouth opens when you whisper a curse to yourself
    • the colour of your eyes
    • the shape of your birthmark
    • the length of your fingers
      • the way his fingers and yours fit together
    • when he knows your moles and freckles and scars by heart
    • your voice
      • the way you sound in the morning
      • over the phone
      • when you say his name
  • forehead kisses
  • making you coffee
  • making you mix tapes
  • hooking your bra, dressing you and combing your hair
  • night drives with the windows down, the wind against your face, and Asleep by Smiths on the stereo
  • stargazing, lying on the grass, taking turns drinking from the bottle of wine you sneaked out of your house
  • back hugs, warm back hugs
  • rooftop convestations
  • french kisses
    • in the rain
    • under the stars
    • on the beach
    • underwater
    • at sunset
    • in the middle of a crowd
  • waking up to his face, eyes staring at you, a little smirk
  • tracing circles on your back with his fingertips
  • building forts and talking in whispers
  • slow dancing to an imaginary tune
jun 1 2012 ∞
oct 29 2012 +