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apr 27 2015 ∞
apr 27 2015 + Fevereiro:
Total: 09 filmes vistos jan 5 2013 ∞
mar 2 2014 + Conta-se que um inglês, em visita à Turquia no século XVIII, teria feito a seguinte afirmação: “aqui pode-se brigar, censurar, mandar cartas de paixão, amizade ou civilidade, ou mesmo notícias, sem nunca ter de sujar os dedos com tinta!” . O “código dos turcos” era o uso de flores para expressar sentimentos. Cada espécie tinha um significado e uma “carta” bem feita podia comunicar praticamente qualquer combinação de sentimentos. A:
jan 12 2013 ∞
jan 12 2013 + Começar a ler cem livros, e não terminar é um dom que Deus me deu. E espero que ele aceite de volta.
jul 26 2012 ∞
feb 3 2013 + NOVOS:
VELHOS: oct 21 2012 ∞
jan 5 2013 +
nov 15 2012 ∞
jan 5 2013 + |
By: Sarah Addison Allen You fall in love with every book you touch. You never break the spine or tear the pages. That would be cruel. You have secret favorites but, when asked, you say that you could never choose. But did you know that books fall in love with you, too? They watch you from the shelf while you sleep. Are you dreaming of them, they wonder, in that wistful mood books are prone to at night when they’re bored and there’s nothing else to do but tease the cat. Remember that pale yellow book you read when you were sixteen? It changed your world, that book. It changed your dreams. You carried it around until it was old and thin and sparkles no longer rose from the pages and filled the air when you opened it, like it did when it was new. You should know that it still thinks of you. It would like to get together sometime, mayb... jan 20 2013 ∞
jan 20 2013 +
nov 16 2012 ∞
jan 5 2013 +
aug 4 2012 ∞
dec 14 2012 + The Heather Wells Mystery Series:
The Mediator Series:
The "Boy" Series:
1-800-Where-R-You? Series:
jul 28 2012 ∞
sep 15 2017 + |
feb 16 2014 ∞
apr 10 2014 + Fevereiro:
jan 20 2013 ∞
feb 25 2013 +
jan 12 2013 ∞
sep 15 2017 + Sarah Addison Allen's Novels:
Hunger Games:
Guia do Mochileiro das Galáxias:
Sex And The City:
jul 28 2012 ∞
feb 3 2013 + Que eu tenho:
Que eu quero:
dec 12 2012 ∞
jan 25 2013 + |