obsessing; endlessly thinking about them


  • tell me your music taste and i'll really psychoanalyze you⁀➷

something beautiful | you. you are the reason the world shines so bright. you are kind, despite your pain. you are sweet and generous, though you are hurt. sometimes, though, all you want is someone to hold you. you don't believe in the mortifying ordeal of being known. you want someone to know you so intimately, so delicately, that they can read you like a book, that they can know every nook and cranice of your brain like it is their own. the stars are beautiful, you think, as you stay up talking to your friends. why waste the night on sleeping?

  • how i think you'd confess your love⁀➷

you just stare at them and wonder why they haven't kissed you yet

  • what beautiful thing are you?⁀➷

a vase of freshly picked wildflowers

  • what romance trope are you?⁀➷

friends to lovers | a sweet slowburn between two friends. how cute :)

  • what emotion are you? ⁀➷

Guilt. | Your guilt gnaws at you like a cancer, slowly destroying you from the inside. It is a constant reminder of the mistakes you have made, of the people you have hurt, of the opportunities you have wasted. You deserve to suffer for what you have done, and the only way you can atone is by punishing yourself, by making yourself suffer. You want to torture yourself, knowing you let everything happen, and your pentinence will eat you whole. It is a small price to pay for the pain you have caused others, but do you truly deserve it?

popcorn popping | You got popping popcorn! Your personality is socail, yet comfortable. You love being around your friends even if it means doing something simple. You enjoy the little things in life, and don't need some fancy get together to have fun and make great memories

  • what color is your aura? ⁀➷

Pink | cupcakes, sunglasses, pink sands, starbursts, pinky promises, flower crowns, ice cream. your essence is pink: you are vibrant and ambitious, an untrimmed flower. your energy is consuming; it wraps others up into your enthusiasm and influence. your gift is seeing things for how they truly are and shifting yourself to be the star of any situation. you are the pioneer. you are their envy. you find kinship in like-minded individuals of magenta, rose, wine, and orchid, who share your fluid social skills. you are also drawn to the even-tempered souls grey and brown, who will help you grow and learn how to ground yourself. however, you may struggle to get along with the questioning personalities of green and yellow who are too linear in their thinking.

  • what does your soul look like? ⁀➷

Bloody knuckles and scabbed fingers | You did something bad. You're paying the price for it each day, aren't you? You're picking at your skin and fighting everything off because of your own actions. You resent your own free will because of the harm it brings. You should lay down a while.

  • if you were a woman in the 1600s, would you be accused of witchcraft?⁀➷

Womp Womp | You were accused and executed for witchcraft

  • what the f**ck is wrong with you? ⁀➷

gifted kid burnout | you used to read so much and now youre jared 19 where has the inspiration gone?? your life goals are basically nothing at this point your only hope for the future is that you'll be able to sleep one day. iced coffee is not a meal eat something solid king

  • which type of water are you? ⁀➷


  • what is your heart's true desire? ⁀➷

You don't know. | you are weary. figuring yourself out is a great puzzle that does not get solved overnight. you truly have no idea where you need to go next, or even where you want to go. let yourself go with the flow of things for now. ask for an extension on deadlines. stay here, see the sights for a moment: you don't need to panic. this, too, shall pass. you will find what you need if you only let go of the thought that you don't need anything.

  • what phase of the moon are you? ⁀➷

Waning Crescent | You’re moody and nostalgic with a predilection for the macabre. You are highly intuitive and in touch with the liminal. You are intensely loyal to your friends but get lonely easily. Though you feel exhausted and disoriented, you are not broken. You will transmute this disconnection into something beautiful.

  • what romance au are you? ⁀➷

coffee shop au | the most common trope for good reason. coffee shops are known for a comfortable, familiar, and casual aura with so much possibility to meet new people and experience new things. normally, you are hooked on a person first for their looks, but very easily fall for their actions soon afterward. it is easy for you to develop crushes. you are a very busy person who either had or has problems with overachievement in school. you always want to be the best at what you do and feel like a failure if you mess up even once. you are a weird mix between introverted and extroverted. you love to be alone in a busy environment or love to be with someone else in a quiet environment.

nov 14 2023 ∞
dec 4 2023 +