• sit in the front of the bus...pretty much no one should sit there unless you are in a wheel chair or a stroller or 45-120 years of age
  • do open mouth chewing
  • have too much body smells whether it be b.o. or false smells
  • take up the whole sidewalk if there are more than one of them and someone is walking towards them and they don't move out of the way. sonofafuckingbitch
  • take up two seats on a full bus. move over!
  • listen to their ipod so the whole of fucking canada can hear their shitty hip hop
  • take pictures together in washrooms
  • play pretend friends and fakeness in general
  • interrupt me in the middle of listening to a really good song
  • pretend to know things about a topic you like to impress you but it all fails so much in the end...actually that's so funny
  • make out on the bus
  • walk slow in busy public places
  • mainly waiters: come and ask how everything is right as i've managed to take the biggest bite of the entire meal
  • go through my stuff without asking ugh
  • drink all the eggnog
  • exist?
jan 27 2012 ∞
jan 27 2012 +