list icon
  • chain letters/text messages
  • mismatched kitchen utensils
  • crooked handwriting
  • people who talk to you while chewing Big Red gum.. ugh!
  • color combination of pink and red
  • misspelled words
  • Akon's voice
  • whiny people (well, I'm guilty of this sometimes.. haha!)
  • slow workers
  • papers that are folded unevenly
  • musk perfume
  • sharing drinks
  • people who watch TV while talking on the phone
  • smoking
  • treating waiters or waitresses badly
  • public restrooms
  • pop stars
  • people who communicate better through phone or online
  • when people don't know the difference between "your" and "you're"!
    • ditto "their" and "they're"
    • "affect" and "effect"
    • "its" and "it's"
    • "to" and "too"
  • people with poor hygiene
  • icky-looking nails
  • people who say "I don't care"
  • eraser marks/traces on paper
  • crooked lines
  • having to repeat instructions 736421 times!
  • not replacing pen caps
  • people who are TOOOOO shy
oct 5 2008 ∞
jan 3 2009 +