• 1. Draw an image, copy it three times and colour each differently/with different colours.
  • 2. Draw something beautiful.
  • 3. Draw something ugly.
  • 4. Draw fanart of your favourite thing.
  • 5. Draw something with no same colour used twice.
  • 6. Draw a short comic of 3-7 panels.
  • 7. Drawing using only two colours.
  • 8. Cg a drawing, colouring it with three depths of shades and three depths of lighting.
  • 9. Cg a drawing in black and white.
  • 10. Draw an imaginary object.
  • 11. Cg. Sketch, lineart, colour. Use an hour or more for every step.
  • 12. Traditional. Sketch, lineart, colour. Use an hour or more for every step.
  • 13. Cg a drawing using tools that mimic brushes and tools in traditional media.
  • 14. Cg/traditional draw a face, male or female. Design a decorative makeup/tattoo to decorate the face.
  • 15. Traditional inks. Colour with colour pencils.
  • 16. Sketch a dynamic pose of a human. Feets can't touch ground and hands can't be on sides of the waist. No matter if you finish or not.
  • 17. Draw something with not your usual style. Be it a mock or not.
  • 18. A 10-frame animation. (Flash, Flash Player. Adobe Imageready, etc)
  • 19. Do a pencil-drawing with pencil/charcoal and eraser only, and finish it with proper shading and such.
  • 20. Draw something very detailed.
  • 22. Draw something very simple.
  • 23. Draw something very small. (for example; A5/500 x 500)
  • 24. Draw something very big. (for example; A3/2000 x 2000)
  • 25. Draw fanart of your least favourite series, presentable, not mockery.
  • 26. Draw your favourite animal.
  • 27. A traditional painting using only acrylic/watercolour/oil-colours, et cetera.
  • 28. Draw something you've never drawn before, not even sketched.
  • 29. Do several sketches of the object/organism you have the most trouble drawing.
  • 30. Traditional draw something using colourpencils only
  • 31. Draw a zoomed in image of a bodypart of a human, something from neck down.
  • 32. A traditional inked lineart, coloured with one or two colours only.
  • 33. Draw something from the bird-eye view.
  • 34. Paint something with coffee.
  • 35. Draw something surreal.
  • 36. Draw a battle.
  • 37. A traditional pencil-sketch coloured with watercolours.
  • 38. Draw a nude human. No exaggerated tits or penises.
  • 39. Take two photos of ordinary everylife objects. Combine and photomanipulate them in Photoshop (or any other program) into one extraordinary object.
  • 40. A pixel-drawing with pixels only. Atleast 100px x 100px big.
  • 41. Draw a bird flying.
  • 42. Do a cg using magic-wand and fill-tool only.
  • 43. Draw a vehicle.
  • 44. Do a collage. Of magazine-clippings, fabrics, buttons, pins, etc + you can use an ink-pen to create effects or details.
  • 45. Cg a drawing without a sketch or a lineart. Begin with the colours and continue with the colours only.
  • 46. Draw a portrait of a live human of your choice. Caricature or realistic.
  • 47. Design a decorative outfit of your liking.
  • 48. Do a small sculpture, no more 20 cm or less than 10 cm in height. You can use clay or even play-doh.
  • 49. Draw a drawing and colour it with three shades of one colour only.
  • 50. Draw an animal with surrealism added to it.
  • 51. Draw an imaginary/existing landscape.
  • 52. Draw something with foreshortening.
  • 53. Pick two characters (your own or someone elses), male and female. Genderbender them.
  • 54. Take a photo, and cg a drawing on it, like the character or the drawings belongs into the photograph.
  • 56. Draw someone chubby.
  • 57. Draw an imaginary/existing building.
  • 58. Draw a character doing two things at once. Standing/breathing et cetera not allowed, something dynamic and lively please.
  • 59. Draw a character doing four things at once. Same notes as above.
  • 60. Draw something traditionally and Photoshop it so it looks digital.
  • 61. Draw an anthromorphic character.
  • 62. Oekaki, 500 x 500
  • 63. Draw someone thin.
  • 64. Draw your least favourite thing, presentable, not a mockery.
  • 65. Copy a famous painting and change things to your liking but not so much it's not recognisable anymore.
  • 66. Draw a picture copying famous styles, art noveau, children's illustrations, church paintings, et cetera
  • 67. Open a book near you and draw what's happening on the page.
  • 68. Listen to a song, and illustrate what it reminds you of or what visuals it brings to your mind.
  • 69. Close your eyes and draw five scribbles on a piece of paper. Then, try to make a drawing or character out of each scribble. You can add on to each as much as you like, but you can't erase any part of the scribble.
  • 70. Do a drawing using your feet.
  • 71. Do a drawing using your non-primary hand.
  • 72. Do a fingerpainting.
  • 74. Draw a person with one exaggerated bodypart
  • 75. Draw a diarylike comic-illustration of your day.
  • 76. Illustrate a person's change of expression through a comic (3-5 panels)
  • 77. Draw a character (yours or someone elses) in a style of another series or person. (Not your own style.)
  • 78. Create a wallpaper for your desktop.
  • 79. Draw something beautiful and ugly. Use your imagination!
  • 80. Draw an image, copy it three times and colour each with a different light-source and/or type of lighting
  • 81. Choose a character or subject and draw it in a single or three different compositions three times, experimenting with a different line type/weight/dynamic in each one.
  • 82. Choose three different media and three distinct textures and create a triptych composition in which you experiment with rendering each texture in some way: realistically, abstractly, etc.
  • 83. Do a collage using materials, paper-clippings, fabrics etc only, no pens this time!
  • 84. Draw a picture without erasing anything, including the sketches and mistakes
  • 85. Draw a huge insect with all the details visible.
  • 86. Design five different underwear in five different materials.
  • 87. Draw something seasonal.
  • 88. Draw something using shading only. (Black on white, etc)
  • 89. Draw something using lighting only. (White on black, etc)
  • 90. Have a friend you haven't gift-arted yet? Surprise them.
  • 91. Draw a heterosexual couple. No mockery.
  • 92. Draw a homosexual couple. (Two females. No mockery)
  • 93. Draw a homosexual couple. (Two males. No mockery)
  • 94. Draw an image that supports something against your beliefs. A presentable one.
  • 95. Draw an image that has something to do with religion (any of them, no mockery)
  • 96. Hit "random deviant" button until you find a deviant with an original character. Draw it, and no skipping! (Show it to the person too!)
  • 97. Put your playlist on random, pick a song, find the lyrics for it and choose a random line or two which you will illustrate.
  • 98. Draw one of your human-characters as an animal/one of your animal-characters as a human.
  • 99. Pick one of your old, old drawings, and redraw it.
  • 100. Congratulate yourself for a work well done and do an appropriate image of CELEBRATION. This is obviously the final task. I hope you had fun
aug 8 2008 ∞
aug 28 2008 +