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to do
apr 24 2013
books (started/completed)
jun 23 2012
activities (firsts of 2012)
mar 11 2012
resources (the division)
jun 28 2011
internet video (photo addys)
nov 26 2010
to do (SOON!)
oct 3 2010
to do (tomorrow)
aug 6 2010
movies (documentaries seen in 2009)
jul 9 2009
things i am waiting for
mar 25 2009
random things googled while signed into gmail in 2007 (because gmail is even creepier then we thought)
mar 18 2009
random things i googled in 2006 while signed in to gmail (because gmail is even creepier then i thought)
mar 18 2009
things that made me happy today (^__^)
mar 18 2009