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  • this isn’t much aside from a timeline where the schoolmaster and i understand each other farther.
  • we both had trauma related to wwii, hearing issues (he was deaf in one ear), suffocating female figures, and ptsd.
  • i usually stayed after in his classes, because i didn’t actually know what was going on in class half the time due to my hearing. he was alright with letting me stay.
  • he sorta filled a father role that my actual father couldn’t fill.
    • because, y’know, dead.
  • the schoolmaster in headspace was actually a protector. he helped me disassemble - or at least slow down the construction of - my wall.
    • he once lifted me over to see the other side. it was a wonderful view...
    • i also helped him escape his wife in headspace. i think i split the strings on his arms apart with a sharp brick.
    • he sometimes fronted just to make the body do the Things it needed to do. it was a good help, my executive dysfunction was shit.
  • one time he had had a really bad night the night before, and something had happened to send him crashing one day. i remember sitting next to him on the floor, watching him mumble. i couldn’t actually hear him.
  • i remember going to his funeral. it was sort of rainy, i had an umbrella.
    • the headspace schoolmaster was made before he passed, but after he retired. it was very strange in headspace at that point.
feb 21 2019 ∞
feb 22 2019 +