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  • brio was the last of the five of us.
  • brio was the youngest minstrel, and was very enthusiastic to be part of our group, despite her minor role.
  • when she was younger her hair kinda stayed more in the middle of her head, sorta like a mullet??
  • she got homesick quite a bit.
  • she didn't lose her baloobius for any particular reason. she was just born without one.
    • her being born without a baloobius is the reason she was regarded as a minstrel. since baloobiuses are used to gauge emotional capacity because of their fear response, fraggles born without baloobiuses were usually shunned or exiled (in the case of convincing john). since brio and her parents lived in a remote location anyway, they were not subjected to either of these things. brio’s parents were uneasy about her, though.
  • she was kinda musically tonedeaf if she was singing alone.
  • brio liked to put braids and other styles into brool’s hair after he had an episode. she was extremely empathetic and could even detect when they were going to come on, if vaguely.
sep 29 2018 ∞
sep 29 2019 +