• it’s really late so this is an Outline
  • a song is different than a Song.
    • a song is exactly what you expect it to be - notes and words with a meaning behind it all.
    • a Song is more intrinsic. it has its own fragglish word but it doesn’t translate well. i suppose it’s similar to a soul? every fraggle and every creature has it even if they don’t know they do.
  • there are a few words in the fragglish language that were usually capitalized. this includes:
    • the Rock as a proper noun; the place
    • Days and Cycles; "today" was spelled as "toDay." the concept of "nights" was not a thing, but the concept of night was, so "tonight" was still a word
    • the Eternal Ping
    • the Great Bell
    • a creature's Song (but not just any old song)
    • the River (a small creek that ran through the whole of the rock; freshwater. had some deposits but stayed one creek)
    • Listening (in a minstrel sense)
    • the Heart of the Rock
  • the fragglish alphabet was very strange. there were no double consonants and very rarely were there double vowels.
  • hearing and listening were different things to me, yes, but there was also a third sort: Listening, with a capital L.
    • hearing is simply experiencing sensory input in the ears. nothing is retained when someone is just hearing - nothing of huge value, at least.
    • listening is hearing something and truly taking it in. words are understood and analyzed, and an emotional connection is made with the content.
    • Listening requires even more. it uses sensory input from all over the body - not only emotions and hearing. it takes in what you see when you hear the song, and how your body reacts. Listening usually is what’s being experienced when one is truly tuned into the Rock’s Songs.
  • baloobiuses were a feature on the fraggle’s tail that sort of acted as the tail’s “brain.” it was the tail’s main source of gravity and also controlled its emotional responses - which were not limited to just fear.
    • fraggles without baloobiuses were seen as strange, emotionless creatures, and were usually exiled, or, a long time ago when fraggles were still ruled over by one being, even killed.
    • convincing john was exiled.
    • uncle matt was seen as fearless, but those who didn’t know him before he lost his were extremely wary.
    • brio lived with her parents very far away from civilization on their own. they cared far too much for their daughter to send her away.
  • days, cycles, etc - fraggle concept of time
sep 28 2018 ∞
sep 29 2019 +