• the medleys (the grand medley and the song of songs respectively) were kind of my ways of testing the fraggle five, gauging their ability and then testing it later. they improved immensely from when i’d seen them first; red was able to find her part quite easily, gobo wasn’t as stubborn as i’d seen him be, and boober openly participated. not to mention it was organized a lot better; so many more fraggles showed up to the song of songs than to the grand medley.
  • i went to fraggle rock to help celebrate the festival of the bells alone to make sure none of the others would be endangered by the cold. the others usually stayed in the lower hemisphere.
  • the festival of the bells was usually a lot more grand than the one featured in canon (it was a fluke, really). there was a parade with the weebabeast costume, a lot of singing, and a formal ringing time (the Rock was a lot bigger than you’d expect; this ringing needed to be very well-coordinated). we were lucky we made it on time.
  • however, we all celebrated the midsummer celebration together.
    • the midsummer celebration (sometimes just shortened to “the midsummer”) never really followed a legend the same way the festival of the bells did. however, it did involve a lot of things to thank the earth with, i think. it usually was celebrated with song and dance, a lot of food, and a large fire in the middle of the great hall. we stayed up until the sun came up the next morning.
    • afterwards, there was a big communal nap. i think it was called the grand/great sleep...
  • there were also celebrations for the equinoxes. they were practically identical, and consisted of a lot of stomping on the earth and just general percussion (clapping and etc). if it made the earth shake, it counted.
  • dates were measured in days and cycles. time was measured in minutes or seconds. events were usually scheduled after/before/during snacks or impromptu.
    • cycles were determined less by actual measurements and more by comparing how much time has elapsed between the last time [x natural phenomenon] happened. this meant that it was a faulty system; the leaves don’t change color on the same day every year.
  • birthdays could be celebrated multiple times per year or not at all. it didn’t change how old you were, of course.
sep 28 2018 ∞
sep 29 2019 +