• murray and i were in a romantic relationship. our personalities contrasted in many ways, but we still loved each other genuinely. there's more on it here.
  • since the minstrels and i made music all the time, we were very, very good friends with the ditzies. they'd land on us a lot, and they kinda felt like a static shock when they touched... but not quite.
  • i met brio when she was just a little kid. the rest of the minstrels and i knew that brio was destined to be a minstrel, but i didn't want to take her from her home too early. so, we visited her often.
  • spending time with the main 5 fraggles frustrated me a little bit. like, i'm happy that they were there, and i could talk to them, but taking care of them wasn't my style. i had scuffles similar to canon with mokey, red, and gobo, and boober thought i was a nutcase. wembley was pretty nice though we got along
  • the trash heap knew i existed, and i knew she existed, and we both knew the other was highly respectable - but we never interacted!
  • part of being a minstrel was leading wayward hearts back to where they would be the safest and the happiest. this wasn’t extremely uncommon; we did have a few cases.
    • we helped a doozer who didn’t transition their way into fraggledom. they were partway through their transformation and was having a very difficult time. i think their name started with a V.
    • we also helped a skenfrith learn to decide for himself. it took a lot of coaxing and a lot of slow progress, but we got it to happen eventually. he liked the pan flute!
    • mokey was also a prime example. as much as i believed she would’ve enjoyed spending time with us, her heart belonged in fraggle rock with her friends.
sep 28 2018 ∞
sep 29 2019 +