• the minstrels and i has been to this sector of the rock before. fraggle rock itself was located under... sorta southeastern canada, i think?
    • we didn’t visit it often. the rock was a very central place for the fraggle war, and none of us wanted to deal with that, especially brool.
  • we showed up at probably like... the fraggle equivalent of 5 AM. we would’ve shown up earlier, but we got held up by... something
  • we camped off of the great hall, usually in a small pit. the pit was surrounded by brush, as well. the small pit had step-like tiers, and the other minstrels commonly slept on those. the fire and i were deepest in, and brool usually slept on the highest tier.
  • i had a feeling, just an inkling, that red took the pipe. i got these “inklings” a lot; they commonly helped me decide where to go.
  • boober never found his Song.
  • i had to keep one hand on the pipe at all times if someone else was playing it. if someone took it from me, it would set off an alarm, which is why it went off when red played it.
sep 21 2018 ∞
sep 29 2019 +