• since the pipe was mostly controlled by magic, i could do all sorts of things with it. i could make it play whatever song i wanted, and could even harmonize with myself with it, even when i wasn’t touching it.
    • however, the pipe also had autonomy. it could keep itself out of danger. the only creature that had power over it was me.
    • though i could control it from a distance, i couldn’t make it play specific music. for example, i could play my Song through a gorgish “soundfont” for lack of a better word, but i couldn’t play junior’s Song through the pipe from a distance.
  • it reached my soul and i reached it through the scar on my left palm. if it was held and played by someone other than me, it would freak out. that’s why i kept both hands on it while wembley and gobo played, and why it reacted the way it did from red trying to play it.
  • it might have been haunted. i recall the reed being made of a narrow wishbone.
  • just like in the show, i have no fucking idea where it came from.
  • however, i do remember receiving it and using it for the first time. it burned my hand, upon first contact, and sent the shock all the way down into my elbow; that just meant it was working.
sep 28 2018 ∞
sep 29 2019 +