• just listen to this while you read it makes me feel a lot of emotions
  • the journey zoot and i was. very emotional. i don't remember a lot of it and it wasn't like Fucking Terrible i just mean it makes my heart heavy
  • i did all of the driving. it was in this old red beat-up car i got like three years prior? it wasn't quite a jalopy but it wasn't in great quality. it was also a Stereotypical Old Car, yknow, winding window and like leather seats probably. had a radio in it too!
  • zoot did a lot of falling asleep in the passenger seat. he was prone to that.
  • i didn't stop much. usually only when i was like falling asleep and when we needed to eat. i think zoot's mom made us take some food with us.
    • there was one time when it was raining like FUCK where i just had to pull into a parking lot and wait it out though. that was an interesting few hours i gotta say
    • zoot also fell asleep once after watching the stars with me in the car at one point. we were parked on the side of a long, long road (not exactly a highway, but close)
    • i think i stole food At Least Once??? food or cigarettes or something
  • Anyway we got there in like. april?
    • we managed to get there just in time for the summer of love, actually heeheehee
apr 11 2020 ∞
nov 5 2020 +