- ❤︎ = romantic cc
- ♡ = pseudoromantic cc
- ☼ = familial cc
- ✿ = strong cc
- ✓ = found canonmate
cantus the minstrel
- murray the minstrel ✿❤︎✓
- brio the minstrel ✿☼
- brool the minstrel ✓
- balsam the minstrel
pink floyd
the skywatcher
- the guide ✿♡✓
- icarus ✓
- the limping angel
sergeant floyd pepper
- janice ✿❤︎
- zoot ✿♡✓
- animal ✓
- dr. teeth
- lips
- fluttershy ✿
- pinkie pie
- princess celestia
- screwball ✿☼
traveling matthew fraggle
- gobo fraggle ✿☼
- the storyteller fraggle
the russian federation
- the french republic ✿❤︎✓
- belarus ☼
- the ukraine ☼
- the baltic nations
- biggs jasper
- ocean jasper
- amethyst ☼
sgt. pepper’s trumpeter
- the flautist, the trombone player, and the tuba player ✿♡✓✓
- sergeant pepper ✿
- captain fred boatswain ✿
- lord mayor
- jeremy hillary boob, ph.d.
harvey "two-face" dent
- the riddler ✿❤︎✓
- gilda dent ♡
the rum-tum-tugger
- mr. mistoffelees ✿♡✓
- old deuteronomy ☼
- skimbleshanks
fogus punch
anthony j. crowley
- aziraphale ❤︎✿
- adam young ☼
lord summerisle
- rowan morrison ☼
- sgt. neil howie (in a weird way)
andrulian fawnlynn
doug rattmann
- chell
- the weighted companion cube ✿
big bird
- mr. snuffleupagus ✿
- radar ✿
- mr. hooper
sidebottom fraggle
- mokey fraggle
- boober fraggle
the french republic’s second player
- 2p!canada ☼✓
- 2p!america ☼
mermer merggle
- merkey merggle ✿
- merple merggle
- merboo merggle
- mervin merggle
harry the hipster
- wembley fraggle
- red fraggle
- ma gorg
hosea matthews
- dutch van der linde ✿❤︎
- arthur morgan ✿☼
- coyle ✿❤︎✓
- lynch ✓
- nettles
- nebraska
elizabeth afton
- the funtimes
- michael afton ☼
- the crying child ☼
silent bob
the kingdom of sweden
- finland ❤︎✿✓
- hanatamago ☼
the republic of turkey
the roman empire
- northern italy ✿☼
- southern italy ☼
- ancient china ✿❤︎
- rian
- brea
- hup ✿
- my dads ☼
- my brother ☼
- characters
- rose quartz (steven universe)
- red fraggle (fraggle rock) ✿
- antonio fernandez carriedo (axis powers hetalia)
- cheburashka + krokodil gena (cheburashka)
- bert (sesame street)
- the schoolmaster (the wall) ✿
- hastur (good omens)
- skekgra the heretic (the dark crystal) ✿
- just look at this list ✿
- people
- jim henson (+ other classic muppeteers) ✿
- jimi hendrix
- paul simon
- bob geldof
- paul mccartney
- alex mcavoy ✿
- keegan-michael key