A composite of all things screamingly Elina.
- That unmatched intellect; debating skilz, recogniiize.
- The perpetual I-just-crawled-out-of-bed hair.
- I sincerely believe it characterizes the Elina out of you.
- Your big head. You are a literal bobble head.
- In the most endearing context.
- Your skinny knees.
- And how they (miraculously) hold up -your head- the rest of your body.
- The fact that I can always talk to you about:
- Books
- Music
- Being useless.
- Your bobble head.
- Your being such a good listener and friend.
- The fact that you treat me to food. To food!
- That long-standing invitation to your house makes me feel wanted and welcome.
- The fact that I can bug you, and you don't really mind.
- How you are the red gummy bear.
- Our mutual love of Rufus Wainwright's version of Hallelujah.
- When you're angry or annoyed, you look utterly helpless.
- Our dream of getting into UPD (and not ending up wearing green uniforms for the rest of our college lives).
- Your sarcasm, that wit!
Because you are all of these things, that is why I love you. Merry Christmas!
Update: Aha, a thanks!