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  • Teammates
  • It's taken up three years of my life.
  • I have to go out swinging.
  • I have to prove him wrong.
  • I don't want to let my teammates down.
  • I don't want to let myself down.
  • Life without football? Is there even?
  • The prestige, the glory.
  • In spit of everything that has happened, football makes me happy.
  • College Football
  • I like winning.
  • I love the game.
  • It fulfills me.
  • I like having my name on a jersey.
  • I have something to prove to myself.
  • I've poured too much blood, sweat and tears into this to give up now.
  • I don't quit.

These are my 17 Reasons. -- Note as of 2013:

  • Previously private
  • I wrote this in high school when I did almost quit the football team. I eventually quit college football.
    • So yeah.
nov 18 2009 ∞
jun 20 2013 +