
  • crush
  • war of the foxes

poems (alphabetical)

journals on harriet

spork press editor's pages (chronological)

favourite quotes

  • "you wanted happiness, i can't blame you for that, and maybe a mouth sounds idiotic when it blathers on about joy but tell me you love this, tell me you're not miserable." seaside improvisation
  • "wanna make a monster? take the parts of yourself that make you uncomfortable—your weaknesses, bad thoughts, vanities, and hungers—and pretend they're across the room. it's too ugly to be human. it's too ugly to be you. children are afraid of the dark because they have nothing real to work with. adults are afraid of themselves." editor's pages: black telephone
  • "tell me how all this, and love too, will ruin us. these, our bodies, possessed by light. tell me we'll never get used to it." scheherazade
  • "...i love you sideways daily. sideways because i have to beam my love in all directions, hoping it bounces off something and eventually finds you." editor's pages: the long and short of it
  • "you see, i take the parts that i remember and stitch them back together to make a creature that will do what i say or love me back. i'm not really sure why i do it, but in this version you are not feeding yourself to a bad man against a black sky prickled with small lights." litany in which certain things are crossed out
may 17 2016 ∞
nov 19 2017 +