• The anxiety that comes with figuring out what to do with my free time during lunch. I need more distractions, hobbies....
  • The 90+ degree heat. Shit.
  • When 1/2 my trombone section just isn't motivated (and that's every day so far).
  • On the first day I nearly passed out several times. I really felt like a wuss. Being inside for weeks at a time really didn't pay off.
  • SWEAT. 'Nuff said.
  • I feel like an idiot when I'm so out of breath during my duet at the beginning that I can't finish the last whole note. I'm still trying to figure out how to succeed with this.
  • Hmmmmm........ pretty much I would have rocked as a section leader this year. I wish I was given some sort of bigger responsibility in band. Seriously. Suckish.
  • I come back everyday and there's flashbacks of my past that are thrown around inside my head..... it makes me closed off to positive ideas.
  • My calves exploded, and it's rather difficult to walk sometimes.
aug 8 2010 ∞
oct 7 2010 +