since i've been selected to go on school-exchange project to italy (but i wanted to go to denmark), here a pros-list about that exchange. just to cheer myself up.
- it's not a piece of italy ruined by tourists
- i'm going to verona! since i love romeo and juliet this is like a crusade for me (but without the swords etc)
- i'm going to venice again (never wrong, eh?)
- going 7 days instead of 5 days
- friends say it's great
- i will be forced to speak a bit of italian and that's never wrong for your general knowledge
- i love italian culture
- dude, we're going to paint in a vineyard
- in april it's nice and warm i guess
- you can shop there and since i'm going to save money for that i will
- things aren't so painfully expensive as in denmark
- see for yourself
hmm...i guess it will be fun after all! edit: i've been begging and after a lot of begging i finally made it into the exchange to odense, denmark! i'll go to bassano del grappa when i finished school :)