
  • she's maya, she's nine, she's a preteen and has pimples and will probably be in puberty within a year or two. she's my exact opposite, terrible at academic things and excellent at having a social life. she hates reading, writing, math...she likes tv and playing with brat dolls. but she's smart and extremely intuitive, and really really pretty. we just don't really get along right now.


  • she's in her forties, extremely emotional about pretty much everything, piano teacher/pianist by profession, she likes minimalist composers and composing that kind of music herself, she's very self-centered but has good intentions, we're more friends than mother-daughter and have always been this way, i'm extremely open with her about my life (she asks about my sex life on a regular basis)


  • my dad is probably my favourite person in the world, we are very much alike, he's nearly fifty, him and my mom are polar opposites in the way that maya and i are polar opposites, except they tried being married and it didn't work out so well (unsurprisingly), he's not a perfect person but he's sensitive and passionate and artistic and his poetry is some of the best i have ever read, i admire him every day, and since he stopped working a few years ago and i got out of puberty we have had the best relationship i could ever hope for
jan 26 2012 ∞
jan 26 2012 +