- burton on burton edited by mark salisbury
- mrs. warren's profession by bernard shaw (play)
- perfume by peter suskind
- endgame by samuel beckett (play)
- bette davis: the girl who walked home alone by charlotte chandler
- freakonomics by steven d. levitt and stephen j. dubner
- cell by stephen king
- stuff happens by david hare (play)
- when the doctor says it's PCOS
- fragile things by neil gaiman
- lolita by vladimir nabokov
- harry potter and the chamber of secrets by jk rowling
- a man without a country by kurt vonnegut
- non-fiction by chuck palahniuk
- the historian by elizabeth kostova
- the diary of adam and eve by mark twain
- harry potter and the prisoner of azkaban by jk rowling
- harry potter and the goblet of fire by jk rowling
- carrie by stephen king
- harry potter and the order of the phoenix by jk rowling
- harry potter and the half blood prince by jk rowling
- flowers in the attic by v.c. andrews
- petals on the wind by v.c. andrews
- harry potter and the deathly hallows by jk rowling
- IV: Cult of Comparability by chuck klosterman
- if there be thorns by v.c. andrews
- dress your family in corduroy and denim by david sedaris
- once is not enough by jacqueline susann
- seeds of yesterday by v.c. andrews
- a dirty job by christopher moore
- bette davis: more than a woman by james spada
- garden of shadows by v.c. andrews
- my sister's keeper by jodi picoult
- everything i needed to know about being a girl i learned from judy blume edited by jennifer o'connell
- 'Salem's Lot by Stephen King
- 30 Days of Night (Graphic Novel) by Steve Niles
- The Girls by Lori Lansens
- Getting Rid of Matthew by Jane Fallon
- The Fat Girl's Guide to Life by Wendy Shanker
- The Pact by Jodi Picoult
- Wicked by Gregory Maguire
- Silent Night by R.L. Stine
- The Life and Times of the Thunderbolt Kid: Travels through my Childhood by Bill Bryson
may 3 2007 ∞
mar 8 2008 +