
  • your inward focus, trusting nature, and sharp sense of right and wrong make you INDEPENDENT.
  • your thoughts and actions are not reliant on what others think about you; you have a clearly defined moral structure.
  • when it comes to others, you are very practical, expecting people to take care of themselves.
  • you generally believe the best about people, but you hold them to high standards.
  • similarly, you believe in maintaining integrity, honor, and a sense of respect for those who have earned their success.
  • trust needs to be earned with you; you're slow to forgive when people have violated your trust.
  • spending time alone means a lot to you, as does keeping certain things private.
  • you quietly observe a lot about the world, giving you a keen sense of both how things are and how things should be.
  • you've learned that you need to prioritize your own feelings, as opposed to always considering others' feelings first.


  • You are straightforward and real, down-to-earth, and have a healthy respect for order and stability. These attributes, complemented by your desire to be surrounded by things of beauty, make you a CURATOR.
  • you don't feel the need to try everything new that comes along – you know what you like and what you want.
  • you are a no-nonsense person, not someone who falls for pretensions.
  • being strongly grounded in the here-and-now, you are practical and realistic about yourself and your life.
  • you find comfort and calmness in your habits and routines.
  • although others might not know this about you, you strongly appreciate aesthetic qualities, noticing whether something is well-designed and stylish.
  • you have a refined sense of taste, and you want your environments to reflect your preferred style.
  • there are times when you feel insecure and vulnerable, even though you know deep down that you are a good person.
  • you aren't narcissistic – you allow yourself to be realistic about your positive and negative qualities.
oct 2 2018 ∞
oct 2 2018 +