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I'm 24 years old. College graduate. Currently working. Living in the Philippines. Wannabe Photographer. Food Lover. Sleepyhead. Loves to travel. Football/Futsal Player. Gamer. Couch Potato. Bookworm. Tumblr and Twitter addict.

listography NEW NEWS
  • 0 – Number of boyfriends I have had.
  • 0 – Number of musical instruments that I can play.
  • 1 and 20 – My football team jersey numbers in College.
  • 1 – Number of major injuries (ankle: closed oblique fracture) I have sustained playing football.
  • 1 – Number of years I have played futsal.
  • 1 - Language I can understand a bit but not speak (Chinese: Mandarin and Fukien).
  • 2 – My futsal team jersey number with the IROK futsal club.
  • 2 – Number of languages (English & Tagalog) that I’m fluent in.
  • 2 - Number of dogs that my family owns (Mandee & Jaffa).
  • 2 – Number of cellular phones that I carry (Globe Telecom & Sun Cellular).
  • 2 – Number of siblings that I have.
  • 2 to 3 – Number of times I go to the restroom to poo in a day.
  • 3 - Usual number of slices of pizzas that I eat in one sitting.
  • 4 - Number of pairs of disposable contact lenses I use in a year.
  • 5 – Number of Social Networking sites (Multiply, Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr and Listography) that I am a member of
  • 5 – Number of times I have been given general anesthesia for all my operations.
  • 5 – Number of guys that I have dated.
  • 5 to 6 – Number of my sleeping hours during weekdays.
  • 6 – Number of months I stayed in Shanghai studying Mandarin.
  • 6 – Number of times my family has moved to a different house.
  • 6 - Number of goalkeeper coaches that have taught me.
  • 7 – Number of people in my High School Barkada, including me.
  • 7 – Kinds of animals that I had as pets (chicks, hamsters, guinea pigs, fishes, cats, rabbit and dogs)
  • 7 to 8 – Number of my sleeping hours during weekends.
  • 8 - Total number of telephone/cellphone numbers I know by heart.
  • 8 – Number of years I have been playing football.
  • 8 - Number of pillows that I have on my bed.
  • 11- Number of people in my High School Class Barkada aka Big Momma Group, including me.
  • 11 – Number of countries I have visited.
  • 32 - Number of followers I have on Tumblr
  • 60- Number of followers I have on Twitter.
  • 69- Lowest grade I have ever received in my report card for a Chinese Class in High School.
  • 77.98 – Amount of memory (in GB) left in my Apple MacBook.
  • 141 - Number of accounts I follow on Twitter.
  • 319 – Number of contacts in my Globe Telecom cellular phone.
  • 325 & 400 – The grade of my eyesight for both my right and left eye respectively.
  • 2317 – Number of songs in my iTunes folder.
aug 24 2009 ∞
apr 22 2010 +