• decorate the house with evergreens and lights
  • yule fires
  • winter solstice
  • christmas carols
  • mince pies
  • twinkling markets
  • mulled wine
  • furry mittens
  • big coats
  • foraging for holly and ivy
  • magic in the house
  • rest and family
  • christmas films
  • christmas cards on the doormat
  • clementines and dates
  • velvet and satin
  • poinsettia
  • late milky sunrises
  • christmas day
  • wind in the willows
  • gee’s birthday
  • grey winter sea
  • nutty dark chocolate
  • hot chocolate
  • red wine
  • vintage music and jazz
  • christmas drinks parties
dec 22 2019 ∞
jul 28 2024 +