last updated: february 03, 2018

  • back it up | canon, fluff, first time, smut, nc-17

"jackson’s has a really nice back. it’s a fact the universe. the earth is round, time is relative and jackson wang’s back is really really nice."

jaebum deals with wanting to slow bone jackson wang and jackson wang deals with jaebum refusing to slow bone him. they're both idiots, really.

jaebum wonders about it sometimes. when it's dark outside and he can't sleep, the way the moon shines on jackson's face makes him think about it. about them.

the first time jaebum calls jackson babe he almost dies. literally. he falls off the counter and gets a concussion because of how much it affects him. jaebum uses this knowledge to his benefit... at least until jackson realises jaebum really likes being called babe too.

two nerds who are terrible at communicating call each other babe and trick themselves into believing it's a normal relationship.

liminal: of or relating to a transitional or initial stage of a process.

(or: the moments in between that start a change)

being kept apart from jackson by their schedules is hard enough for jaebum without jackson being a giant tease 24/7.

basically - jaebum is very sexually frustrated and jackson is very aware of it.

in which jaebum is the hot ta and jackson is a second semester senior looking for an easy a

jackson doesn't like sleeping in his own bed and jaebum is the pushover who lets him sneak into his every night. everything about this would really be fine if he didn't keep waking up hard with jackson literally on top of him.

he turned the handle and opened it trying not to make noise. the light was on.

jackson was fast asleep in his bed.

jun 2 2017 ∞
may 15 2019 +