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someone just told me that there's no tomorrow & if that is true, i don't know what to do. guess then these troubles are out of my hands, guess then i'm free to use them to clap & dance

Kate books (2025)
notes (films and TV series - 2025)
shug avery twenty 20 five. (five things.)
nivia (2025)

lemonade - beyoncé

begin to hope - regina spektor

for ever - jungle

a seat at the table - solange

1992 - princess nokia

the family jewels - marina

studio killers - studio killers

every where is some where - k.flay

lungs - florence + the machine

damn. - kendrick lamar

whack world - tierra whack

jungle - jungle

metallic butterfly - princess nokia

beyoncé - beyoncé

crazy ex girlfriend soundtrack (seasons 1-4)

voices - phantogram

11:11 - regina spektor

three - phantogram

dirty computer - janelle monáe

x infinity - watsky

isolation - kali uchis

soviet kitsch - regina spektor

long distance - ivy

feb 17 2020 ∞
feb 17 2020 +