—the most important step a person can take is always the next one

  • kari, she/her
  • dancer, weight lifter, photographer, skier
  • usa/pst

twitter · goodreads · ao3 · carrd

jan 2 2021 ∞
jul 8 2023 +
  • lifting, fitness, and health━
  • hobbies━
    • dance
      • go to a new domestic dance festival/congress
      • test onto T4
  • house/organization━
    • have a space that makes me feel at ease and comfortable and is easy to maintain
  • personal growth━
    • decrease the lag time in setting a boundary or communicating about a behavior i don't like to in-the-moment
    • stop engaging with arguments/discussions/situations that don't serve me
    • proactively give words of affirmation and build others up with my words
jan 3 2024 ∞
apr 21 2024 +

things i love━

  • well written software
  • the adrenaline of kissing someone new
  • the physical satisfaction of hitting a new pr
  • the sensation of turning the pages of a well loved book
  • the first sip of a hot cup of tea
  • walking through fresh snow
  • hitting the 50% mark when reading a book
  • a long deep conversation opening up to someone you haven't before
  • clean sheets and towels
  • the first sleep in my own bed after a long trip away
  • falling asleep to the sound of rain pattering on the roof
  • the ephemeral giddiness of being drunk and happy
  • getting something right after many failed attempts
feb 15 2021 ∞
jun 22 2024 +


  • must take a picture (preferably many) at every place
  • must record date of completion and who with!


  • live in a city away from california for at least a year ✔ (seattle - never going back)
  • go on a solo trip out of state
  • go on a solo trip in state
  • go on a solo trip out of country
  • live on the road for a while
  • try out indoor rock climbing ✔ (5/29/21 with daniel at top out)
  • dye my hair
  • get a new piercing ✔ (3/17/23 nostril)
  • get a tattoo
  • go to a rave/festival ✔ (10/29/22 - second sky with quan and anh)
jan 16 2017 ∞
jun 3 2023 +
  • have a stable income ✔
  • get a job in software engineering ✔
  • move to seattle ✔
  • get my own apartment ✔
  • buy a car ✔
  • compete in powerlifting again ✔
  • hire a powerlifting/lifting coach ✔
  • train at a powerlifting gym ✔
  • pay off student loans ✔
    • pay off half of student loans ✔
    • pay off student loans completely ✔
  • pay off car loan
  • fully fund 6 month emergency fund ✔
    • fully fund 9 month emergency fund
  • fully fund sinking funds (car, medical) ✔
  • make enough to comfortably max 401k yearly ✔
  • be debt free
may 11 2021 ∞
jun 19 2024 +