list icon
  • drink 20 different flavored teas [0/20]
  • plant my favourite flowers and watch them grow
  • sit outside in the rain
  • carve my name into a tree
    • in Canada
    • in Europe
    • in Africa
    • in South America
    • in New Zealand
  • colour every picture in a coloring book
  • watch the sunset until I can't see it anymore
  • witness a shooting star
  • Send a message in a bottle
  • bike around with someone
  • hike around with someone at lynn canyon or the ubc endownment lands
  • go to deep cove by myself and spend the day there - summer
  • visit bakeries around vancouver
  • go on the revelation ride at playland
  • roast marshmallows/smores (real camping and campfire style)
  • write a letter to somebody
  • memorize the book of james [0/5]
  • make a blanket fortress
  • add starscream on msn (he rejected me, fail.)
  • make a new friend
  • reread HP series in one week
  • reread LotR series
  • lie down in a field/pasture/meadow of real grass and watch the clouds float by above my head
  • present the good news to someone
  • lead my grandmother, mother, and father to Christ
  • go Vegetarian for at least six months
  • go to a high school party
  • go bungee jumping
  • go skydiving
  • donate blood
  • write a book
  • visit the Holy Land and thank God for everything
  • visit concentration camps and cry
  • take a photograph of two people hugging in the streets
  • live in France
  • bake a cake for myself
  • float in the middle of the Pacific
  • bury a time capsule
  • cuddle with a boyfriend
  • read the entire bible
  • roadtrip across Canada
  • see the Northern Lights
  • watch a movie at a drive-in
  • construct my own kite and fly it
  • climb a tree
  • sew a cute dress
  • watch a meteor shower
  • go on a cruise
  • visit the Shire
  • watch the Canucks win the Stanley Cup
  • run a mile
  • speak French
  • be part of a food fight
  • slap somebody in the face real hard
  • learn how to shoot a gun
  • learn how to do the salsa, rhumba, or tango
  • visit Zhangjiajie National Forest Park and take a photograph the Avatar Hallelujah Mountain
  • visit the Wizarding World of Harry Potter
  • take a ride in a Venetian gondola
  • see Turandot
  • go to the Met Opera
  • learn how to walk in heels
  • work out and healthily lose weight
  • go to a hockey game
  • learn how to process film on my own
  • visit all the graves of my favourite authors and poets (the ones whom are already dead, at least...)
  • kiss somebody i like
  • collect 6 vintage film cameras [1/6]
  • buy/make an outfit worthy to be posted on lookbook (but it doesn't have to be posted. it just needs to look good)
  • have somebody i like tell me i'm beautiful
  • see The Nutcracker professionally performed live
  • celebrate new years at Times Square
  • run a marathon
  • swim across the English Channel
  • take a sailing course through SALTS or sail training international $1000 - $5000
  • purchase/learn to play the button accordion and busk on the streets of paris and vancouver
  • climb to the top of a mountain and watch the sun rise
  • meet my dad's side of the family in philippines
  • observe an encierro
  • see Explosions in the sky live
  • see Explosions in the sky live again
  • see Explosions in the sky live again
  • see Explosions in the sky live again
  • visit Ground Zero and read aloud all the names engraved in the memorial
  • see Sigur Ros live
  • become an Astronomer
  • discover a star
  • fly to the moon and watch the Earthrise
  • speak and/or understand Greek
  • speak and/or understand Russian
  • listen through every Beatles record [1/12]
  • get lost in the English or Irish countryside and sit at the side of a muddy dirt road while it's raining
  • visit flea markets in belgium and france
  • write, illustrate, and publish a children's book
mar 3 2010 ∞
mar 5 2012 +