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  • The White House 12th avenue, with mom and my grandparents, I have no memories of it, only photographs and the stories that my grandparents tell me
  • The Grey House co-op in burnaby, duo floors, great yard, thinking back reminds me of how much I really miss Uncle Joey :'(
    • Chinatown cockroaches, bugs everywhere, poor poor poor, chocolate rice for breakfast, 2 of probably only 5 filipinos in the neighbourhood, mom high on heroine, mom working at mcdonald's, mom in bad relationships with men that are probably still running free
  • Broadway & Nanaimo too many memories, though I don't know if they're important enough to mention. this is when I learned to bike and did a lot of it in the courtyard with the other children
  • 3438 Euclid Ave I remember waking up around 9 in the morning, probably a saturday or a sunday, walked into the living room where my grandparents were watching some event that seemed to be of high importance. that's when I found out that vancouver was a city that was bidding for the 2010 winter olympics/paralympics. witnessed the whole BC Place explode in a sea of red and white on the television, wondering why I didn't even know this was going to happen or I would have woken up earlier
  • 3540 Euclid Ave Where I live now
mar 9 2010 ∞
mar 29 2010 +