• getting into kpop the summer before 10th grade
  • meeting 2 friends that like kpop too ^^
  • frequently seeing a girl i didn't know and saying hi that i eventually became friends with
  • finding out that one of my friends* likes kpop
  • finally being sure about graduating
  • having at least one person i could talk to in every class during senior year
  • frequently staying after school to finish Geospatial assignments/projects
  • gradually being less shy
  • going bowling with a friend and trying to figure out what some guys were saying in Korean :D
  • interacting/talking/being friends my crush (lol just everything)
  • working on english movie maker project until 2am because it was a graduation requirement
  • becoming friends with my geosystems/gis teacher ^^
  • getting hugs from my crush 3x hahaha
  • family being embarrassing after graduation by taking pictures of me and my crush
  • watching a play at my school for the first time (and then a second!)
  • passing 10th grade P.E. the second time i took it :D
  • learning guitar
  • getting a 100% on geosystems final exam ^^
  • doing well (~90%+)on tests even if my attendance was less than perfect
  • finding out that my oceanography teacher went to the same school and knew one of my cousins
  • friend making me trip in front of my crush XD
  • being brave enough to confess to my crush
  • friend telling me to talk to my crush at school or on facebook
  • watching two of my friends' graduation because i was in choir and performed there
  • being in the science fair in HS for the first time with my GIS midterm project
  • my Geospatial Analysis class and teacher
  • one of my geosystems teachers frequently liked making jokes and being funny
  • accidentally writing "South Korea" as an answer during world history II instead of "Russia"
  • getting a journal from my mom for Christmas which helped me get through a lot
  • making friends in choir that i'd still talk to even if i wasn't in choir anymore
  • having friends motivated me to go to school during really difficult times ^^
jul 19 2013 ∞
jan 18 2016 +