note: i pulled a lot of this straight from the hunter x hunter wiki, sometimes whole phrases word for word. i only take credit for summarizing and putting together. some of it might be inaccurate because ive had trouble understanding especially the bodyguard interactions in this arc

  • BENJAMIN, son of UNMA, brother of TSERRIEDNICH. he is the deputy military advisor of the kakin royal army. aggressive and self-confident, his goal is to kill all of his siblings, but he has a particularly strong rivalry/hatred for tserriednich. he has sent his men to infiltrate the other princes' quarters in order to study the nen beasts. along with two other princes, he contacted kurapika for more information about the nen parasites.
  • CAMILLA, daughter of DUAZUL, sister of TUBEPPA, LUZURUS, and HALKENBERG. she is selfish and greedy. she believes she deserv...
aug 10 2017 ∞
oct 23 2018 +
  • the KAKIN ROYALS are ostensibly planning to bring their citizens to settle the dark continent but their true motive for the journey is to conduct their succession war between the princes. it appears as if the citizens aboard the boat are present for the purpose of being controlled and used as pawns/sacrifices by the princes throughout the succession war.
  • each kakin prince has a PARASITIC NEN BEAST bestowed upon them by the egg ceremony. each manifests differently, presumably based on their princes personality and aura, and feeds upon their hosts nen. the princes themselves, even if nen users, cannot observe the parasites, though all the princes are now aware of them due to kurapika's announcement. nen parasites cannot attack other nen parasites, nor can they harm other princes directly.
  • BEYOND wants to explore the dark continen...
aug 10 2017 ∞
oct 23 2018 +