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Overworked graduate student. Archaeologist. Attracted to all things that are the color green. Propensity for randomness. Queen of sarcasm. Easily amused, entertained, and distracted. Made happy by climbing on rocks, playing music, and drinking red wine (preferably, complimented by a bowl of ice cream).

I'm a dive bar kind of girl.

lisa MUSIC
music (memories)
autobio (my epitaphs)
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absent-minded, clumsy, accident-prone, etc, etc

  • I broke my hubcap while trying to put air in my tire.
  • I got my hand caught in an electric mixer, and yes, it hurt.
  • I once foamed at the mouth after chewing an Airborne tablet. FYI, Airborne tablets are supposed to be dissolved in water.
  • I regularly forget to take stickers off of new clothes (and walk around all day with MEDIUM stuck on my shoulder).
  • Got approximately 500 cactus spines in my hand when I grabbed what I thought was a tree while hiking up a steep slope (it wasn't a tree).
  • I once ran over my own foot with a mobile beverage cart, breaking a few toes.
  • I got a rugburn on my chin after falling face-first into the carpet during a game of "bite-the-bag".
  • I pinch my fingers between weights at the gym on a regular basis.
  • If there is one loose brick or one crack in the sidewalk, I will find it and trip on it.
  • I'm the person you saw once fall off the treadmill. Really, I am.
  • I accidentally have given two people black eyes.
  • I tried cutting my own hair once, then promptly had to get it fixed by a professional.
  • I learned that chewing on ink pens is not a good idea when I had one explode in my mouth.
  • I wrote a long, cutesy email to my Gramma... and accidentally sent it to one of my professors instead.
  • On two separate occassions, I've fallen into a creek while attempting to pee in the woods.
jan 2 2008 ∞
jan 18 2009 +