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Overworked graduate student. Archaeologist. Attracted to all things that are the color green. Propensity for randomness. Queen of sarcasm. Easily amused, entertained, and distracted. Made happy by climbing on rocks, playing music, and drinking red wine (preferably, complimented by a bowl of ice cream).

I'm a dive bar kind of girl.

lisa MUSIC
music (memories)
autobio (my epitaphs)
list icon
  • cash in my giant jar of change
  • sell stuff on Craig's List or ebay
    • old MP3 player
    • dead cameras?
    • old DVD/VCR player
  • sell unwanted clothes to Buffalo Exchange
  • eat out less
  • old books and movies to Bookman's
  • don't spend any of my tax return
  • transfer $100 to savings account at least every 2 weeks
  • stop going to Target!
  • drink at home, not at bars
feb 4 2009 ∞
dec 1 2009 +