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Overworked graduate student. Archaeologist. Attracted to all things that are the color green. Propensity for randomness. Queen of sarcasm. Easily amused, entertained, and distracted. Made happy by climbing on rocks, playing music, and drinking red wine (preferably, complimented by a bowl of ice cream).

I'm a dive bar kind of girl.

lisa MUSIC
music (memories)
autobio (my epitaphs)
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  • When people say "I could care less" when what they mean is "I couldn't care less".
  • Inconsiderate smokers.
  • Girls who come to school in pajamas, but still spend time putting on make up and doing their hair to look cute.
  • Dogs used as accessories.
  • Anyone who thinks that nipple rings are sexy.
  • People who don't know how to use turn signals correctly.
  • Couples who use baby talk.
  • People who give their children bad haircuts.
  • Motorcyclists that don't wear helmets.
  • Stupid cell phone ringtones.
nov 7 2007 ∞
jan 4 2008 +