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Overworked graduate student. Archaeologist. Attracted to all things that are the color green. Propensity for randomness. Queen of sarcasm. Easily amused, entertained, and distracted. Made happy by climbing on rocks, playing music, and drinking red wine (preferably, complimented by a bowl of ice cream).

I'm a dive bar kind of girl.

lisa MUSIC
music (memories)
autobio (my epitaphs)
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Mostly because they are terrible, but also because they're damn obnoxious.

  • Kirstie Alley.. could any person be more whiny and annoying?
  • David Spade. Not Funny.
  • Joan Rivers. Ouch.
  • Nicole Richie (some people don't deserve to be famous)
  • Tim Allen: Home Improvement was possibly the worst TV show ever.
  • Bjork, for many reasons.
  • Tyra Banks. She defines the term superfreak, and not in a good way.
  • Kathy Griffin... makes me want to scream.
  • Carrot Top. Do I even need to say anything here?!
  • Tom Green... his poor parents.
  • the guy from 'Jackass'- hell, all of them.
  • Keanu Reeves (duhhh...)
  • Donald Trump: probably don't need to explain this either.
  • Cameron Diaz: Just a bad actress, really. Always sounds like she's reading a teleprompter.
  • Kelly Ripa- on crack.
  • Ryan Seacrest... this guy needs to go away.
  • David Caruso (oh dear god, the sunglasses...)
  • Brooke Shields. Wow, you are such a horrible actress.
  • Flava Flav. If he can have his own show, we all should be able to.
  • Joan Cusack... sorry, as much as I love your brother, I just can't stand you.
  • Maria Schriver... like a cracked-out caricature drawing.
  • David Blaine YOU ARE A TOOL.
  • Reba McEntire You look (and sound!) like something from a Dr. Suess movie.
  • Ann Coulter Besides being a RAGING BITCH, you also need to eat a damn cheeseburger.
  • Renee Zellweger- seriously, are your eyes ever even open? Because I truly cannot tell...
dec 17 2007 ∞
jun 15 2009 +