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Overworked graduate student. Archaeologist. Attracted to all things that are the color green. Propensity for randomness. Queen of sarcasm. Easily amused, entertained, and distracted. Made happy by climbing on rocks, playing music, and drinking red wine (preferably, complimented by a bowl of ice cream).

I'm a dive bar kind of girl.

lisa MUSIC
music (memories)
autobio (my epitaphs)
list icon
  • the ancient soda machine, always fully stocked with RC Cola
  • 75 cent Wednesdays!
  • screaming children... always, screaming children
  • standing with my butt against the glass on the warm dryer door
  • disco music, all the time
  • constant supply of Klondike bars, only 60 cents
  • little kid underwear
  • the sad old man who works there and looks like a redneck version of Iggy Pop
  • the Christmas stockings hung on the wall... and they're made from Wrangler jeans...
  • fun magazines (Country Living from 1992, anyone?)
  • "superwash" for only a quarter more!
  • tacky, fake ferns- hanging everywhere
  • always getting more quarters than necessary (more for my 'emergency change jar')
  • the giant owl decoy above the cash register
  • grown men folding their underwear
  • the clock that has never worked
  • being one of the only English speakers in the place.
dec 13 2007 ∞
aug 26 2008 +