qu33r zine archive project x ☠︎︎ the anarchist library x ☠︎︎ neighborhood anarchist collective x ☠︎︎ sprout distro x ☠︎︎ know your rights (civil liberties defense center) x ☠︎︎ knoxville radical library x ☠︎︎ firestorm co-op x
✪ = features my work
40 ways to fight fascists: street legal tactics for community activists (spencer sunshine & popmob) x ☠︎︎ a field guide to wheatpasting (crimethinc) ☠︎︎ a world without police ☠︎︎ against the production ethic and the states and bosses who wield it (anon) ☠︎︎ anarchism and its misunderstanders (margaret killjoy) x ☠︎︎ colonization and decolonization: a manual for indigenous liberation in the 21st century (zig-zag of warrior publications) ☠︎︎ crisis actor x ☠︎︎ fire art & style winter 2022: can workers have nice things? (anon) ☠︎︎ dangerous foundations: an argument against the 'identity' in identity politics (anon) ☠︎︎ desert (anon) x ☠︎︎ do or die series (anon) x ☠︎︎ dysphoria means total destroy (untorelli press) x ☠︎︎ ecodefense: a field guide to monkeywrenching (edward abbey, anon) x ☠︎︎ feral revolution and other essays (feral faun) x ☠︎︎ free eric king (spit poet publishing) x ☠︎︎ gendertrash from hell (genderpress) x ☠︎︎ i don’t bash back i shoot first: on queer gangs (anon) ☠︎︎ if you see something, do something!: 12 things to do instead of calling the cops (may day collective and washenaw solidarity & defense) ☠︎︎ insurrection ecology: a document for dissemination and discussion (anon) ☠︎︎ inx: a collective view of modern society [issue 17 & 18] x ☠︎︎ j.d.s (bruce labruce & g.b. jones) x ☠︎︎ jackshitzines [issue 1: your flag decal won’t get you into heaven anymore] x ☠︎︎ life without law: an introduction to anarchist politics (strangers in a tangled wilderness) ☠︎︎ propaganda by the deed (comrade candle) x ☠︎︎ punk, diy, and anarchy in archaeological thought and practice (colleen morgan) x ☠︎︎ secrets and lies (ungrateful hyenas editions) x ☠︎︎ qu33ring anarchism: addressing and undressing power and desire (c. b. daring, j. rogue, deric shannon, and abbey volcano) x ☠︎︎ small town organizing for anarchists (sprout anarchist collective) x ☠︎︎ stories of my dogs (leo tolstoy) x ☠︎︎ street transvestite action revolutionaries: survival, revolt, and queer antagonist struggle (untorelli press) x ☠︎︎ the anarchist cookbook (william powell) x ☠︎︎ two headed dog [issues 1-3: fragments of my mind, solidarity forever, something special ✪] (saoirse finn) x ☠︎︎ wrong brain presents a comic anthology (sam paolini & emma cancelada)