- I was born, June 23 1989 Friday 8:00PM
- 9 months-first word, daddy, also started walking
- 3/4 years-I learned to read and read a lot of books with Lane Smith illustrations
- 12-I got cast in my first show as a lead, fell in love with acting, and decided on NYU
- 12-First crush, Aaron A.
- 18-Auditioned for NYU and got in
- 18 1/2-Met Robbie and Alyazyah
- 18 3/4-Fell in love with a Guy
- 18 4/6-Gave away my v-card on a one night stand
- 18 and some change-Got my first full time job
- 19-Threw my own birthday party where someone brought me a boy
- 19 springish-Met Kyle
- 19+-- Betrayed by Frenchie McFrenchenstein
- 19 plus a few-Wrote my first novel
- 19 a little later-Signed my first lease
- 19 yeah-Wrote and performed "Too Bold"
- 19/20-Worst summer of my entire life
- 20-Got into the Paris program
- January 1, 2010 (20 and then some)-Landed in Paris
- 20 and 8 1/2 months--Lost. My. Mind. Lost my heart.
- 20 and a little more
feb 19 2010 ∞
dec 15 2010 +