None of the following are acceptable and some of them are downright unforgivable:
- You lay a damn finger on me in anger^^
- You don't get along with my dearest loves and my brother
- You get along great with my mom
- You inherently lack passion
- You don't at least like watching people play video games
- You don't bite/like to be bitten
- You try and handle things for me
- You can't stand up to me
- You don't fight every bit as hard as I do
- You don't give rap a chance cause damn even Robbie gives rap a chance
- You think acting is my hobby
- You think acting is easy
- You think Arab and Muslim are interchangeable
- You refer to Taylor Swift's music/High School Musical/Twilight (the movies or books) as art or high art
- You fall in love with Fachyma (duh)
- You refer to me as 'not actually black'
- You don't belive in love
- You're nauseatingly passive agressive
- You don't try to work things out that are hard
- You've never heard of Joss Whedon
- You don't know what to do with your penis and know even less about what to do when it's near my clit
- You don't know where to find my clit
- Homophobia
- Arabphobia
- You think its a goos idea to propose to someone in McDonalds
- You smell like poop
- You cheat on me
- You wear only one color
^^=Can be forgiven on grounds of angry sex and angry sex alone.