eucalyptus: open-minded and accepting, you’re truly an independent thinker. you’re witty, lovable, and are an empowering force. you help others feel heard and to tune into themselves. because you’re so independent, you love to do your own thing and thrive when given the space to do so. you have the ability to create spaces that are easy to breathe in, where all can stand tall.

hibiscus: vibrant and lively, you always stay curious. things that give others a “sour taste” are seen by you as opportunities to explore a deeper meaning. You have a strong desire to understand others and are known for being intellectually curious. while you’re very adaptable, you flourish in warm environments when you can show up as your full sunny (and yes, sometimes sour) self.

raspberry leaf: intuitive and graceful, you flow easily and create beauty all around you. you’re caring and nurturing, and inspire a sense of childlike wonder in others. from your deep well of compassion, you’re able to make all your friends feel seen, loved, and supported. the fruits of your labor can sometimes take a while to appear, as you spend seasons dormant to create your medicine.


jan 18 2018 ∞
sep 30 2021 +