• this is easy, say something good and hopeful to yourself everyday. something you need to hear, something you need to realize, your choice. just say it to yourself. it doesn't matter if it doesn't make sense to other people.
    • day one: go your own way. whatever you do, get free. feel. apologize. change it. grow. do your thing. you have yourself.
    • day two: as well as the music you like to hear, as well as the feeling you like to feel. keep this, no need to question.
    • day three: you are the priority of your life. don't let anyone tell you otherwise.
    • day four: remember that your twenty is about taking every chance you can.
    • day five: be who you are, even if it's just for yourself. be truthful.
    • day six: speak. even crying, speak. even hurried, speak. even ashamed, speak. just use your voice to communicate and go like that.
    • day seven: to remember in the future; "i loved you more than i let on, but you weren't ready for it and i wasn't going to pour myself into hands that couldn't hold me"
    • day eight: let it go. give up. don't take a look. don't ask yourself things like that. give up. it will be your start to trying you instead of other people.
    • day nine: "dance like nobody's watching, nobody's judging who you love. scream like you won't be silenced, kill them with kindness and your love. From the stars and the dust, we were made, all of us."
    • day ten: everything will pass. everything will end and everything will start again. don't stress over the way to the end. don't make it like the end of the world. enjoy the pain and the good. enjoy your life fully.
    • day 11: look at yourself. understand yourself and your feelings. let it be.
    • day 12: dont settle for less than what you need and deserve. dont break yourself just to be with someone else. be yourself, your truly self and nothing less than that.
    • day 13: ending is a sad thing. it is okay to be sad, and broken and not okay with that. you don't need to try to be anything else, just be what you are feeling and it will pass and it will be okay. take your time.
    • day 14: say no. tell no to anyone. to everyone if you need. but please, stop accepting everything. stop letting everything happen because you are afraid of hurt someone. of not being available. stop it.
jun 23 2018 ∞
may 3 2019 +