• the eleventh hour: this episode made me smile like a child. i have never felt this happiness watching doctor who until this episode (of course i am taking s11 out of the count). i was so happy seeing amelia. and the interaction with the doctor. it was so nice and comfortable. it was so dreamy. i think if i want to smile and be all goofy poofy i should watch this again.
    • the beast below: i kept thinking about this episode FOR DAYS. i almost cried everytime remembered of it. it was so big to me. it was so deep and sensible. i loved the silly billy jokes. i loved the meaning of the scenes. it was so touchy. I REALLY loved it.
    • vincent and the doctor: i always heard about this episode. how good it was, how deep and everything. but i watched some parts of it before watching doctor who (for real) and it wasn't that big for me. i think, watching knowing the context of where the characters where make you understand and feel it more. i couldn't explain who i felt more in this episode, if was amelia, or gogh or the doctor. they all are going through stuff and things touching their heart. and they are healing together and hugging together. even in the pain that they can't touch. and it is BIG. it hits me. i loved it deeply.
    • the pandorica opens & the big bang: oh my god i never thought a season finale (and a disaster) could be so fun and good to watch like this. it was so FUNNY, so big-deep, so well played. i couldn't take my eyes out of the screen. i was 100% on it. and it was AMAZING to be there. to watch this.
    • a christmas carol: the cliché! again, they did something silly but so happy and good. my favorite episode of christmas from doctor who.

anyways, i loved every episode of this season. it was HARD to choose just some of it. but i think i made good-special choices here <3

may 23 2019 ∞
may 23 2019 +