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"How did you become so cold? You are still lost in the forest. But lonely, lost girls like us can rescue themselves." ~Snow White

listography GIVE MEMORIES

I keep trying to create positive lists but my brain tends to stutter and stall out... I tried to create a "thankful" list but..

  • Health:
    • a ever popular "at least you have your health". Except I don't do I? I suppose I should be grateful I don't have cancer or something, and I am I suppose. But honestly, sometimes I think I'd prefer something clear & easy to grasp over a vague, humiliating collection of complications that are nonetheless chipping away at my health and longevity.
    • I am however thankful I can hear and see (altho not well, at least i can) and speak
  • Loved ones:
    • I'm never certain if this refers to people you love or that love you. If it's the 2nd, I can't include this either as I'm not sure who does! A few months ago I would have had at least a few I was certain of.. til people started chipping away at this certainty...
    • If it means people you love then I am indeed thankful for them, even the ones who don't love me back: Sara & Eddie & Wayne & Bev & Ash & Brianna & Ron & others..
    • And the people I've lost but was allowed to know: Beth & Bob & Ricky & my grandparents..
nov 25 2011 ∞
nov 26 2011 +