ACT ONE: separation (30 to 35K)

the jump startthe first scene in the story where a protagonist with limited knowledge of a problem is drop-kicked into action on page one as conflict begins.

  • what is the opening image that will stick in the reader’s mind?
    • being surrounded by fire
  • what is the opening mood?
    • grim, sinister
  • what is the opening tone?
    • pompous + melodramatic (because i can't write any differently)
  • what is the opening conflict?
    • man against nature (dustin is fighting his way through the fire to rescue the victim) + man against evil demons from hell (who started the fire)
  • what is the protagonist’s outer desire?
    • to wake up → (die in the dream)
    • to make his sister proud → save the man + be okay w/ dying even if it terrifies him
  • what is the protagonist’s hidden need that will filled at the end of the book or series?
    • his definition of normal → get family back, not have nightmares
  • how does the protagonist demonstrate that he doesn’t really understand the problem?
    • believes dad just left him
    • believes his mom's crazy
    • thinks they're just nightmares
  • what is the central theme of the book and how does it relate to the opening scene?
    • a person often overlooks what is in front of them when it isn't something that fits into their world view
    • the protag ignores the facts: he's never seen this building, the dream is incredibly vivid, he has marks when he wakes up, because it isn't normal
  • who is the antagonist?
    • samael + unnamed demon force
  • how is the antag introduced or foreshadowed?
    • intro → demon grabs his ankle + drags him through the wreckage
    • later → chase warns him about demons (that he's in danger)
  • if the antag is only foreshadowed, is there a main minion who appears?
    • yes: samael + lilith
  • is this main minion a recurring character central to the overall plot?
    • yes: they're the only villains we know for the most part
  • prior to the opening, what internal and external forces have been at work to make the protag suffer?
    • internal → desire to be normal, pretending he doesn't care about dad and sis while still trying to make them proud, fear of insanity, overwhelming crush + attraction to samael, lack of friends
    • external → dying, nightmares, demons kidnapping his family + trying to get him
  • how are these tied to the protag’s hidden need?
    • he is internally trying to pretend the external problems don't exist + the demons are causing these external conflicts that keep him from being normal

introducing trouble (aka the call to action) → rightly or wrongly, the protagonist makes an action-based plan and takes the first steps to cope with the trouble.

  • how is the protagonist called or propelled into action and moved out of her usual world?
  • why is the situation urgent?
  • what are the overall consequences if she refuses to act?
  • what is the potential overall payoff if she accepts the call to action?
  • how does the call to action conflict with what she wants?
  • why does she believe she is unwilling to change the status quo?
  • how does this conflict what she needs?
  • what does she personally stand to lose?
  • what could she gain and how does this relate to her hidden need?
  • how does she demonstrate a slight, new awareness of her needs?
  • have both of the following important characters been introduced:
  • love interest/main mentor?
  • antagonist’s main minion?
  • foil?
  • how does the protagonist actively demonstrate her reluctance to change the status quo?
  • what action does the protag take in an attempt to evade or compromise?

first threshold (aka trouble gets worse) → something happens to thwart the protagonist’s plan, the stakes get higher, and the protagonist does something she wouldn’t have done or been able to do at the beginning.

  • how do the protag’s attempts to refuse change make the immediate trouble worse?
  • what happens to overcome her reluctance to accept the call to action and commit to change?
  • how does she get over the first threshold and demonstrate she is already changing?
  • is there a threshold guardian? Who is it and how does it bar her way?
  • how does crossing the first threshold thwart the protagonist’s immediate wants?
  • how does that push her toward what she really needs?
  • how does it increase the overall stakes?
  • what is the overall story problem as it has now been introduced?
  • what is the theme of the story?
  • what should the reader hope for the protagonist?
  • what should the reader fear on her behalf?

source: how to create a book that will keep readers reading

sep 18 2013 ∞
mar 30 2015 +