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  • Cinema with TSP, watched TV series, my brother came for a weekend visit, watched a movie with him.
  • Went shopping with my brother, bought a BluRay, got freebies (Kleenex, Mr. Lee instant noodles and a Magic: the Gathering deck), went to the cinema in the evening.
  • Played some Magic: the Gathering and Carcassonne Hunters and Gatherers with my brother, roomie and a couple of friend of his. Followed my brother to the train. Watched movies.
  • Work. My roomie's granny visited. Got cake. Watched a movie.
  • Work. Got updated on several TV series. Watched a movie. Fixed my external harddisk.
  • Work. Packed and went to VoksenLAN (dataparty) in Ski. Lots of hugs and kisses and fun times! Ate late dinner at 11:30 pm from Peppes Pizza.
  • @ VoksenLAN. Had home office, which didn't exactly go according to plan. Did as I usually do on VLAN: watched movies, TV series, drank cider, was social and did the hug thingy a lot.
  • @ VoksenLAN. Friday, and I had the day off. Woke up late, stayed in the auditorium most of the day working on the console game compo. Drank lots of cider and various liqueur. Stayed up till 8 am, the last couple of hours being Finn A.'s slave girl.
  • @ VoksenLAN. Woke up at 4 pm. Continued my work with the console game compo. Stayed sober all day. Had a TV series marathon in the night.
  • @ VoksenLAN. The last day. Packed my stuff, helped cleaning up a bit, hugged everyone worth hugging and went home. Spent the rest of the day in bed, watching a movie, sleeping and eating take away.
  • Work. Went for a bit of shopping, didn't buy anything. Watched TV-series and chatted with a dude I met online. Ate only healthy food all day.
  • Worked for 12 hours straight. Got updated on a few TV series.
  • Work. My roommate's mom and sister visited. Watched TV and a movie.
  • Work. Watched three movies.
  • Work. Went out to eat with co-workers. Had a relaxing night at home and went to bed early.
  • 2 flea markets (bought a bath robe and plenty of books). Enjoyed the whole night out, eating and drinking with Anne and Mario.
  • Watched 6 movies. Ate Indian take away.
  • My b-day. Work. Dinner at Egon with John. Cake, vanilla coke and a movie with Sigurd. Presents. Dexter.
  • Work. Went shopping (bought a new coat, flannel PJ pants, purple top, leg warmers and nail polish). Watched TV series and a movie. Went to bed early and read a few pages before turning off the light.
  • Work. Spirit Day; wore purple clothes and changed "all" my avatars to purple with NOH8 logo. Cleaned my room (or started). Saw Despicable Me at the theater with John, great movie!
  • Work. Went for a bit of shopping with John (bought a red laptop bag, some turquoise buttons and a giraffe). Watched Torchwood and a movie before I went to bed early to read.
  • Work. Train to Lillehammer to visit my parents. Played board games and watched TV with my mom, brother and BFF. Also: birthday presents!
  • Lillehammer. My roommate/best bud joined us. Flea market (bought a board game). Played board games the entire rest of the day with my mom, brother, best bud and BFF. Watched a movie in bed. Also: cake!
  • Lillehammer. TV series in bed. Played board games. And more cake! Went home to Oslo.
  • Work. Got a new minion at work - scary shit having to train him. Watched a movie and TV series the entire evening.
  • Work. Did a bit of shopping (bought Halloween candy and decorations + scrapbooking stuff). Watched a movie and TV series the rest of the night.
  • Work. Cleaned a lot. Watched a movie and several TV shows.
  • Work. Did some shopping for the Halloween party. Went to a LinkedIn meetup with "GTD (Getting Things Done)" as the main conversation topic. Watched a movie.
  • Work. Cleaned the bathroom ++. Birthday party @ Dag-Tore's - drinking and GuitarHero.
  • Watched a movie and a TV show. Decorated the apartment for Halloween. Had a Halloween party and went out. I dressed as Arthur Dent.
  • Watched movies and TV shows. Slept a few hours.
oct 6 2010 ∞
nov 1 2010 +